
Welcome to the National Aviary's Web Curriculum. We have developed this interactive educational program for students from around the country, to learn from the experts at the National Aviary. This program is designed to educate your students about the Wonderful World of Birds.

We have organized our website so that students can easily maneuver from chapter to chapter without getting lost or needing much guidance. We encourage you to stroll around the site prior to using it as a tool in your classroom, to understand the overall set-up.


We have designed each chapter to have several components including on-line activities,
an off-line activity (research, game, or experiment), assessment ideas and teacher pages.

The Chapters include:

  • Feed the Birds
  • Finding A Home
  • Flight
  • Social Lives
  • Dinosaurs Alive

We have added a section just for you! The Teacher Pages are designed to make using this program simple and easy. Each chapter has a Teacher's Page design to provide helpful hints to each section.

These include:

  • How to introduce the chapter to your class
  • Background information including links to additional sites for information
  • Tips for running the activities
  • Rubrics for Assessment
  • Ideas for extension activities and/or wrap up activities

The chapters are designed so that you do not have to complete one section in
order to do the next, so YOU choose the path to follow.


When you have completed the program, please
take a few minutes to complete the Teacher
Evaluation. The information that you provide
will help us to make our program more

This PDF contains which benchmarks for Science
Literacy are met by the National Aviary Web Curriculum

  Hunters & Hunted
  What's for Lunch?
  How's the Water
  Beaks are Tools
  Backyard Birdfeeder
  Shapes & Sizes
  Lift Off
  A Big Enough Wing
  Migration Hopscotch
  Sing Out Loud
  Virtual Incubator
  Dance of Love
  On the Egg
  Becoming a Bird
  The Big Deal: The Feather
  Dead or Alive
  Are Birds Dinosaurs?

All contents copyright © 2002, 2006 National Aviary