Project Description and Current Status:
Our goal in this integrated campaign for community education and conservation of the Hispaniolan Parrot is to advance protection for this threatened species through coordination among groups across national boundaries, providing easily replicated tools that can be applied locally, and by training Dominican and Haitian biologists, students and local park rangers to build technical capacity and to generate local interest and conservation commitment.
Designed, printed, and distributed 2,000 posters promoting Hispaniolan Parrot conservation. (Download the poster in Spanish, French or Creole.) (pdf, <100K.) Organized one new bird conservation group integrating local youths and residents near parrot breeding areas. Presented one training course for community members, biology students, and conservationists from communities near parrot breeding areas, with presentations focused on the importance of conservation, bird biology, and ecotourism. We rescued twelve Hispaniolan Parrot chicks and provided evidence leading to the arrest of two parrot traffickers. This was made possible with the collaboration of the Secretary of the Environment, the Secretary of the Armed Forces, and the National Zoo. Several articles about Hispaniolan Parrots were printed in national newspapers during 2006. Nineteen nests that had been damaged by poachers were repaired and their locations mapped for long term monitoring of use by parrots. This project has been supported by the National Aviary and Natural Encounters, Inc. The poster promoting parrot conservation was developed by graphic designer Molly Schachner and the cage drawn by artist Barry Shields, both of Pittsburgh, PA. The funds for this project were raised at the summer free-flight bird show presented by the National Aviary and Natural Encounters, Inc.