Publications – Books
Latta, S. C., C. C. Rimmer, A. R. Keith, J. W. Wiley, H. A. Raffaele, K. P. McFarland, and E. M. Fernandez. 2006. Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. Latta, S. C., C. C. Rimmer, A. R. Keith, J. W. Wiley, H. A. Raffaele, K. P. McFarland, and E. M. Fernandez. 2006. Aves de la República Dominicana y Haiti. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.Buteo Books Latta, S. C., C. C. Rimmer, A. R. Keith, J. W. Wiley, H. A. Raffaele, K. P. McFarland, and E. M. Fernandez. 2006. Les oiseaux d’Haïti et de la République Dominicaine. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.Buteo Books Keith, A., J. Wiley, S. Latta, and J. Ottenwalder. 2003. The birds of Hispaniola: Haiti and the Dominican Republic. British Ornithologists’ Union, Tring, UK. 293 pp.Buteo Books Latta, S. C. 2002. Aves comunes de la República Dominicana / Common birds of the Dominican Republic. Sociedad Ornitológica de la Hispaniola. 67 pp.Buteo Books Latta, S. C., and R. Lorenzo (editors). 2000. Results of the national planning workshop for avian conservation in the Dominican Republic. Dirección Nacional de Parques, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 137 pp. Latta, S. C. (editor). 1998. Recent ornithological research in the Dominican Republic / Investigaciones ornitológicas recientes en la República Dominicana. Ediciones Tinglar, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 130 pp. Publications – Journal Articles and Book Chapters Latta, S. C., B. A. Tinoco, P. A. Webster, and C. H. Graham. In press. Patterns and magnitude of temporal change in avian communities in the Ecuadorian Andes. Condor. Sly, N. D., A. K. Townsend, C. C. Rimmer, J. M. Townsend, S. C. Latta, and I. J. Lovette. 2010. Phylogeography and conservation of the endemic Hispaniolan Palm-Tanagers (Aves: Phaenicophilus). Conservation Genetics 11: 2121-2129. Latta, S. C., A. K. Townsend and I. J. Lovette. In press. The origins of the recently discovered Hispaniolan Olive-throated Parakeet: A phylogeographic perspective on a conservation conundrum. Caribbean Journal of Science. Paulino, M. M., D. A. Mejía, and S. C. Latta. In press. A new review of the status of the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Flamingo: Annual Bulletin of the IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Flamingo Specialist Group. Master, T. L., R. S. Mulvihill, and S. C. Latta. 2010. Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla). In Terrestrial vertebrates of concern in Pennsylvania: A guide to conservation, management, and research (M. A. Steele, M. C. Brittingham, T. Maret and J. F. Merritt, eds.). Pennsylvania Game Commission and John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. Latta, S. C. and R. E. Ricklefs. 2010. Prevalence patterns of avian Haemosporidia on Hispaniola. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 25-33. Faaborg, J., R. T. Holmes, A. D. Anders, K. L. Bildstein, K. M. Dugger, S. A. Gauthreaux Jr., P. Heglund, K. A. Hobson, A. E. Jahn, D. H. Johnson, S. C. Latta, D. J. Levey, P. P. Marra, C. L. Merkord, E. Nol, S. I. Rothstein, T. W. Sherry, T. S. Sillett, F. R. Thompson III, and N. Warnock. 2010. Managing migratory landbirds in the New World: Do we know enough? Ecological Applications 20(2): 398-418. Latta, S. C. and R. S. Mulvihill. 2010. The Louisiana Waterthrush as an indicator of headwater stream quality in Pennsylvania. Pp. 246-258 in S. K. Majumdar, T. L. Master, M. C. Brittingham, R. M. Ross, R. S. Mulvihill, and J. E. Huffman (eds.), in Avian ecology and conservation: A Pennsylvania focus with national implications. The Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Easton, PA. Faaborg, J., R. T. Holmes, A. D. Anders, K. L. Bildstein, K. M. Dugger, S. A. Gauthreaux Jr., P. Heglund, K. A. Hobson, A. E. Jahn, D. H. Johnson, S. C. Latta, D. J. Levey, P. P. Marra, C. L. Merkord, E. Nol, S. I. Rothstein, T. W. Sherry, T. S. Sillett, F. R. Thompson III, and N. Warnock. 2010. Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World land birds. Ecological Monographs 80(1): 3-48. Mulvihill, R. S., S. C. Latta, and F. L. Newell. 2009. Temporal constraints on the incidence of double brooding in the Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla). The Condor 111:341-348. Mejía, D. A., M. M. Paulino, K. Wallace, and S. C. Latta. 2009. Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus): A new species for Hispaniola. J. Caribbean Ornithology 22(2): 64-66. Latta, S. C. and J. Faaborg. 2009. Migratory birds in the Caribbean: Benefits of studies of over-wintering birds for understanding resident bird ecology and promoting critical development of conservation capacity. Conservation Biology 23:286-293. (pdf) Tinoco, B. A., P. X. Astudillo, S. C. Latta and C. H. Graham. 2009. Distribution, ecology, and conservation of an endangered Andean hummingbird: the Violet-throated Metaltail (Metallura baroni). Bird Conservation International 19:63-76. (pdf) Mulvihill, R. S., F. L. Newell, and S. C. Latta. 2008. Effects of acidification on the breeding ecology of a stream-dependent songbird, the Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla). Freshwater Biology 53: 2158-2169. (pdf) Rimmer, C. C., L. G. Woolaver, R. K. Nichols, E. M. Fernandez, S. C. Latta, and E. Garrido. 2008. First description of nests and eggs of two Hispaniolan endemic species: Western Chat-tanager (Calyptophilus tertius) and Hispaniolan Highland-tanager (Xenoligea montana). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:190-195. (pdf) Townsend, A. K., C. C. Rimmer, S. C. Latta, and I. J. Lovette. 2007. Phylogeographic concordance of nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogies in the single-island avian radiation of Hispaniolan Chat-tanagers (Aves: Calyptophilus). Molecular Ecology 16:3634-3642. (pdf) Latta, S. C. and C. C. Rimmer. 2007. Biodiversidad de las aves en la Española / Biodiversity of birds on Hispaniola. Pp. 2-8 in Hispaniola: A photographic journey through island biodiversity / Hispaniola: Biodiversidad a través de un recorrido fotográfico. (E. Fernandez) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Landestoy, M. A.; P. G. Rodriguez, and S. C. Latta. 2007. Three new migratory bird species reported from Hispaniola. J. Caribbean Ornithology 19(2):113-115. Santana E., S. Contreras, J. Schondube, H. Verdugo, N. Villalpando, B. J. Cruz, J. C. Gómez, J. Carrillo, B. Claudette, I. Ruán, R. Partida, S. Guayar, and S. Latta. 2006. Demografía y uso de hábitat de Passerina versicolor en la región de la Sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco. DGVS – CONANP, Distrito Federal, Mexico (pdf) Landestoy, M. A.; P. G. Rodriguez, and S. C. Latta. In press. Three new migratory bird species reported from Hispaniola. J. Caribbean Ornithology. Latta, S. C. and C. C. Rimmer. In press. Birds and biodiversity. In Hispaniola: A photographic journey through island biodiversity. (E. Fernandez, ed.) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Sonoran Joint Venture Technical Committee. Beardmore, C. J., ed. 2006. Sonoran Joint Venture: Bird Conservation Plan, Version 1.0. Tucson, Arizona: Sonoran Joint Venture. Latta, S. C. 2006. Bird monitoring working group of the SCSCB: Towards all-species monitoring and expanded training opportunities in the Caribbean. J. Caribbean Ornithology 18:109-114. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 2006. Bird monitoring symposia and workshop: Strategies for monitoring birds in the Caribbean – How to design and carry out a monitoring program. J. Caribbean Ornithology 18:83-84. (pdf) Ricklefs, R. E., B. Swanson, S. M. Fallon, A. Martinez, A. Scheuerlein, J. Gray, and S. C. Latta. 2005. Community relationships of avian malaria parasites in southern Missouri. Ecological Monographs 75:543-559. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and E. Fernandez. 2005. Avian conservation planning in the Caribbean: experience and recommendations from the Dominican Republic. In Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002, Volume 1. (C. J. Ralph and T. D. Rich, eds.). Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Albany, California. Latta, S. C. 2005. Birds across borders: Latin American partnerships. Observer: Quarterly Journal of PRBO Conservation Science 142:1-4. Latta, S. C., C. J. Ralph, and G. Geupel. 2005. Strategies for the conservation monitoring of permanent resident landbirds and wintering Neotropical migrants in the Americas. Ornitología Neotropical 16:163-174. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 2005. Complementary areas for conserving avian diversity on Hispaniola. Animal Conservation 8:69-81. (pdf) Ricklefs, R. E., S. M. Fallon, S. C. Latta, B. L. Swanson, and E. Bermingham. 2005. Migrants and their parasites: A bridge between two worlds. Pp. 210-221 in R. Greenberg and P. Marra (eds.), Birds of two worlds. The ecology and evolution of migratory birds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London. Fallon, S. M., R. E. Ricklefs, S. C. Latta, and E. Bermingham. 2004. Temporal stability of insular avian malarial parasite communities. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Series B: Biological Sciences 271:493-500. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 2003. Effects of scaley-leg mite infestations on body condition and site fidelity of migratory warblers. Auk 120:730-743. (pdf) Latta, S. C., A. Tossas, A. Sutton, H. Gonzalez, P. B. Hamel, and D. DeSante. 2003. Research, monitoring, and conservation of Neotropical migratory land birds in the West Indies: a report to the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) by the Neotropical Migratory Bird Working Group of the SCSCB. J. Caribbean Ornithology 16(1):1-19. (pdf) Latta, S. C., C. C. Rimmer, and K. P. McFarland. 2003. Winter bird communities in four habitats along an elevational gradient on Hispaniola. Condor 105:179-197. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and J. Faaborg. 2002. Demographic and population responses of Cape May Warblers wintering in multiple habitats. Ecology 83:2502-2515. (pdf) Latta, S. C., M. L. Sondreal, and D. A. Mejía. 2002. Breeding behavior of the endangered Hispaniolan Crossbill (Loxia megaplaga). Ornitologia Neotropical 13:225-234. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and K. C. Parkes. 2001. A possible Dendroica kirtlandii hybrid from Hispaniola. Wilson Bulletin 113:378-383. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 2001. Lesser Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis). In The Texas Breeding Bird Atlas (K. L. P. Benson and K. A. Arnold eds.). Texas A & M University System, College Station and Corpus Christi, TX.http://tbba.cbi.tamucc.edu (12 July 2001). Latta, S. C., and J. Faaborg. 2001. Winter site fidelity of Prairie Warblers in the Dominican Republic. Condor 103:455-468. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and B. M. O’Connor. 2001. Patterns of Knemidokoptes jamaicensis (Acari: Knemidokoptidae) infestations among eight new avian hosts in the Dominican Republic. J. Med. Entomol. 38(3):437-440. (pdf) Latta, S. C., H. Gamper, and J. Tietz. 2001. Revising the convergence hypothesis of avian use of honeydew: evidence from Dominican subtropical dry forest. Oikos 93:250-259. (pdf) Latta, S. C., M. L. Sondreal, and C. R. Brown. 2000. A hierarchical analysis of nesting and foraging habitat for the conservation of the Hispaniolan White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera megaplaga). Biological Conservation 96:139-150. (pdf) Howell, C. A., S. C. Latta, T. M. Donovan, P. A. Porneluzi, G. R. Parks, and J. Faaborg. 2000. Landscape effects mediate breeding bird abundance in Midwestern forests. Landscape Ecology 15: 547-562. (pdf) Wunderle, J. M., Jr., and S. C. Latta. 2000. Winter site fidelity of Nearctic migrant birds in isolated shade coffee plantations of different sizes in the Dominican Republic. Auk 117: 596-614. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 2000. Making the leap from researcher to planner: lessons from avian conservation planning in the Dominican Republic. Conservation Biology 14:132-139. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and C. Brown. 1999. Autumn stopover ecology of the Blackpoll Warbler (Dendroica striata) in thorn scrub forest of the Dominican Republic. Can. J. Zoology 77:1147-1156. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and C. A. Howell. 1999. Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis). In The Birds of North America, No. 429 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C. Latta, S. C., and M. L. Sondreal. 1999. Observations on the abundance, site persistence, home range, foraging, and nesting of the Pine Warbler on Hispaniola, and first record of ground nesting for this species. Ornitologia Neotropical 10:43-54. (pdf) Klein, N. K., F. H. Sheldon, K. Wallace, E. Cuevas, and S. C. Latta. 1998. Use of a small water reservoir by locally rare birds in the Dominican Republic. El Pitirre 11(2):36. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and J. M. Wunderle, Jr. 1998. The assemblage of birds foraging in native West Indian pine (Pinus occidentalis) forests of the Dominican Republic during the nonbreeding season. Biotropica 30:645-656. (pdf) Wunderle, J. M., Jr., and S. C. Latta. 1998. Avian resource use in Dominican shade coffee plantations. Wilson Bulletin 110:255-265. (pdf) Latta, S. C., F. Rivas, and C. Brown. 1998. A Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) in the Dominican Republic. El Pitirre 11:17. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and C. Brown. 1998. Unusual birds from the Dominican Republic, including three new species of Neotropical migrants. El Pitirre 11:18. (pdf) Latta, S. C., K. C. Parkes, and J. M. Wunderle., Jr. 1998. A new intrageneric Dendroica hybrid from Hispaniola. Auk 115:533-537. (pdf) Latta, S.C. 1997. Two new species of birds for Hispaniola: Wood Thrush and Black-legged Kittiwake. El Pitirre 10:59. (pdf) Latta, S. C., F. M. Rivas, and N. Lopez. 1997. Confirmation of the Olive-throated Parakeet (Aratinga nana) in the Dominican Republic. El Pitirre 10:56. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and M. Baltz. 1997. Population limitation in Neotropical migratory birds: Comments on Rappole and McDonald (1994). Auk 114:754-762. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and M. E. Baltz. 1997. Lesser Nighthawk (Chordeiles acutipennis). In The Birds of North America, No. 314 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. Baltz, M. E., and S. C. Latta. 1997. Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina). In The Birds of North America, No. 332 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. Latta, S. C., and J. M. Wunderle, Jr. 1996. The composition and foraging ecology of mixed-species flocks in pine forests of Hispaniola. Condor 98:595-607. (pdf) Latta, S. C., and J. M. Wunderle, Jr. 1996. Ecological relationships of two todies in Hispaniola: effects of habitat and flocking. Condor 98:769-779. (pdf) Wunderle, J. M., Jr., and S. C. Latta. 1996. Avian abundance in sun and shade coffee plantations and remnant pine forest in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. Ornitologia Neotropical 7:19-34. Latta, S. C. 1996. First report of "Brewster's Warbler" in Hispaniola. El Pitirre 9:2-3. (pdf) Latta, S.C., J. M. Wunderle, Jr., E. Terranova, and M. Pagan. 1995. An experimental study of nest predation in a subtropical wet forest following hurricane disturbance. Wilson Bull. 107:590-602. (pdf) Latta, S. C. 1992. Distribution and status of the Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in Oregon. Pp. 35-44 in Status of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) in North America. Harlequin Duck Working Group. 83 pp. Gibbs, H. L., S. C. Latta, and J. P. Gibbs. 1987. Effects of the 1982-1983 El Niño event on Blue-footed Booby and Masked Booby populations on Isla Daphne Major, Galapagos. Condor 89:440-442. (pdf) Hart, David D., and S. C. Latta. 1986. Determinants of ingestion rates in filter feeding larval blackflies (Diptera:Simuliidae). Freshwater Biology 16:1-14. |