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Photo: Installing an energy-efficient window1. Be Energy Efficient!

Choose energy-efficient appliances:

Look for the Energy Star label on appliances; a more energy-efficient home will lower your utility bills and reduce your impact on the environment.

Change your bulbs:

Switching your light bulbs to more energy-efficient florescent bulbs will save you money. They last longer and emit less green house gasses than regular light bulbs.

Use less electricity:

Don’t use electrical appliances when you can easily do something by hand, such as opening cans and garage doors.

Turn off the lights, TV or other electrical appliances when you are out of a room.

Use cold water:

Washing your clothes in cold water (using a cold water detergent) can save you more than $50 per year in heating costs!

Turn your heat down:

Wearing a sweater inside during the winter is not only cozy and fashionable, it also saves energy!

Turn down your heat at night and while you’re away during the day or on vacation.

Turn your water heater to 130 degrees F (54°C). Use the vacation setting when you are going to be away.

Get a free energy audit from your utility company.

2. Conserve Water!

Turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth to conserve water.

Add a brick to the water tank of your toilet.

Install a water-saving shower head.

Keep our water supplies clean:

Don’t put hazardous substances down your drain or in your trash (paint thinner, furniture polish, medicines, etc.). Dispose of them on designated hazardous waste collection days.

3. Waste Management!


Recycling symbol

Clean your windows with vinegar and water instead of chemical products.

Use washable rags, not paper towels, for cleaning up spills and other household chores.

Use cloth diapers. The plastic in disposable diapers doesn't break down in landfills.

Use cloth, not paper, napkins.

Write to companies that send unwanted junk mail: ask them to take you off their list.


Store food in reusable containers.

Crumpled-up newspapers are great for washing windows.


Save wire hangers and return them to the dry cleaners.

Donate used items to a charitable organization or thrift shop.

Recycle everything you can; newspapers, scrap papers, cans, glass, motor oil, plastics, appliances, etc.

Logo links for the National Aviary, Regional Asset District and Association of Zoos and Aquariums

The National Aviary is supported in part through membership, donations, and funding from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Allegheny Regional Asset District.
© 2009 National Aviary in Pittsburgh