Saturday, July 14, 2012
7 - 11 PM
6:00PM - VIP Reception
General Admission $60
VIP Tickets $125 SOLD OUT
Presented by:

Enjoy an evening of tropical fun with the National Aviary's flock! Relish selections from Pittsburgh's finest restaurants while dancing under the stars to the music of The Freedom Band. Enjoy thrilling bird encounters as you celebrate the season at the Aviary's annual summer fiesta! Enter a raffle to win a Caribbean cruise sponsored by AAA Travel Agency!
Enter a raffle to win one of several great prizes including a Caribbean cruise sponsored by AAA Travel Agency, a new iPad, or a $500 Orr's Jewelers gift card.
Raffle tickets $10 each or three for $25.
Buy tickets now
or call 1-888-71-TICKETS.
(Please note - call center is open Monday through Friday, 9 am - 9 pm).
Night in the Tropics Sponsors: