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Golden Conure (Guaruba guarouba)  

This striking bird is also called the “Queen of Bavaria conure” or the “golden parakeet”. They are solid golden yellow with green feathers on the wings and a pale beak. Their beautiful coloration makes them highly sought after as pets, but they remain relatively uncommon in zoos. Like many species of parrots, they are targeted by poachers and threatened by the illegal pet trade and the significant loss of their rainforest habitat.

In Brazil, golden conures feed on a variety of fruits and nuts and are viewed as agricultural pests. As farmers expand their fields into the rainforests that make up the conures’ habitat, the birds turn to crops for food. They are often shot or poisoned to protect the fields. They are also shot for food, sport, and for their feathers.

It is not known exactly how many golden conures are left in the wild. They are listed as “Endangered” by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List of Threatened Species because of their small, nomadic population and the numerous threats to their future.

For more information about golden conures, please visit

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© 2009 National Aviary in Pittsburgh