$9.00 per student
Each program lasts 30 minutes
Inspire a love of nature through our early learner classes. Lively activities and bird encounters make it easy to learn fun facts about our feathered friends.
Feathered Friends
From peacocks to parrots to penguins, all birds have feathers! Through interactive storytelling, lots of touchable feathers and a visit from some of the National Aviary’s “feathered friends,” preschoolers will learn about the intricate structures and important functions of feathers.
Do you like to swim? Would you like to eat fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Through interactive storytelling and a special visit from one of the National Aviary’s African Penguins, children will learn how penguins swim, waddle, slide and eat.
Mother Nature’s Diner
Ever wonder what birds eat in the wild? Do they eat worms, seeds, or fruit? Maybe even a bug or a mouse? With an interactive puppet show, “Mother Nature” will talk about the many different kinds of foods birds eat and how different kinds of beaks work like forks, spoons, knives, straws, or nutcrackers, depending on “what’s for dinner!”
What are egg shells made of? What’s inside of an egg? How many eggs do birds lay? Why do birds sit on their eggs? In this class, we will eggs-plain, eggs-plore, and eggs-amine the many different sizes, colors, shapes, and textures of bird eggs as well as discover the many other kinds of animals that lay eggs.
Bird Visit Add-on
While The National Aviary classes are not suitable for children under the age of three, younger children can enjoy the experience of seeing our education birds up close. This 15-minute add-on enables children up to age three to see the same birds and learn age appropriate information in an informal setting.

All of these programs can be brought to your school for classrooms or large assemblies! Programs listed above featuring this icon

require a movie screen or blank wall for a projector.
Learn more about bringing the National Aviary to Your School
Download our Preschool and Kindergarten Programs brochure.