Find the diameter of the birds to determine the correct answer
B.Using the printouts, multiply the head to tail measurement
by the wingspan to find the diameter of each bird. Then divide the diameter
of the condor by the diameter of the hummingbird to reveal how many hummingbirds
would fit in a condor and graph it along side your estimate.
How many hummingbirds fit inside the profile of the condor?
A. Guesstimate how many hummingbirds will fit into the profile. Graph your
estimate results (on chart paper or chalkboard) and explain how you came up
with your estimate.
Choose any bird and figure out its diameter and compare to the condor and
C. Follow up by researching a bird of your choice, sketching an outline, guesstimating,
then figuring out the number of hummingbird profiles that will fit into this
mystery bird, or the number of mystery birds that will fit into the Condor
profile through division and multiplication.
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