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Photo: trogon getting veterinary careJust as humans face challenges as they get older, birds develop common conditions as they age. Females can become ‘egg bound’ when they are no longer able to pass an egg naturally. In such an event, immediate medical assistance or surgery is necessary to save the bird’s life by removing the egg. Another age-related problem common to birds is the development of kidney failure and subsequently gout. In order to treat this, human prescriptions for gout are modified and used with excellent results.

Button for Open Up and Say Caaah! Button for Your New Beak Looks Teriffic
Button for Microsurgery Button for Preventative Medicine
Button for Just a Spoonful of... Banana Syrup? Button for Caring For Our Birds

Logo links for the National Aviary, Regional Asset District and Association of Zoos and Aquariums

The National Aviary is supported in part through membership, donations, and funding from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Allegheny Regional Asset District.
© 2009 National Aviary in Pittsburgh